General Articles

10 Secret Reasons why you Love your Coffee

Did you know… how much there is to know about the coffee you enjoy every day? It’s not enough to know how to order it or how you prefer to enjoy it. Truth be told, coffee is a treasure chest richly filled with precious nuggets of history and culture that will make your Coffee Loving experience even more delicious.

It’s time to brush up! Get ready and let us guide you into the unique world of coffee and especially the worlds of Freddo Espresso and Freddo Cappuccino. 


General Articles

Grinding: One Step Closer to Indulgence

Creation, passion, inspiration! Three values that help make the perfect cup of coffee. If making your own coffee makes your day, then you’re one of us! You’re a proud coffee maker who dreams of a beverage that satisfies all your demands. How can you make this dream come true?

We’ve already talked about raw material, specialty coffee, roasting, degassing, storage and freshness. Next chapter? Grinding!


General Articles

Good Days Start with Good Fresh Coffee

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on what coffee means to you: pleasure, energy, companionship, motivation to get out of the house, to get together with your friends? These can be beautiful moments, of love, meet people, comfort, passion, and creativity.
The true strength of good coffee is that it provides enjoyment. But, what does “good coffee” mean? You’ve certainly heard the expression often, but have you ever wondered what the elements are that distinguish good coffee from the
others? Let’s start with freshness!

General Articles

Coffee Dos & Don’ts

What you create is unique by default. Using our Coffee Shop’s high-quality raw materials and the essential Home Barista “tools”, you can follow your own path for preparing your own coffee. That way, you subconsciously adopt a special everyday ritual, full of complex aromas and special flavors. (more…)